COVID SLAM is a SmartLogic funded partnership with the Digital Harbor Foundation and Dent Education for Baltimore City youth to "earn and learn" through an entrepreneurial design thinking challenge.

The Digital Harbor Foundation's COVID (Design) SLAM kicked off on December 3, 2020, and concluded on January 28th, 2021. This earn and learn prorgram provided 12 Baltimore youth an opportunity to learn through 55 hours of design thinking, teamwork, and digital tools experience as well as earn $967.50 for their time, talent development, and efforts to answer the following design challenge question:

“What is the most important and urgent challenge that Baltimore youth face related to remote learning, and what idea can solve or address the problem?"
COVID SLAM Experience Map

SmartLogic funded this program through a charitable donation of $24,000, and also contributed paid staff mentoring time toward the project.

Digital Harbor Foundation brought its expertise to bear in managing and running the project overall; we were excited to partner with an organization with such a strong background in developing youth agency and creative skills.

For more details, read the initial Press Release, our Op-Ed in the Baltimore Sun, our Mid-project Update, or this Project Finale Article in Baltimore.