
Startup Digest Relaunches in Baltimore

Baltimore's Startup Digest is back!

SmartLogic Relaunches Baltimore Startup Digest newsletter

SmartLogic is excited to get Startup Digest going again in Baltimore after a quiet few months. There is always something to do in Baltimore but it's hard keeping track of everything to make sure you hit every event you're interested in. We hope to help you stay in the loop!

If you're new to Startup Digest, an email is sent out every Monday letting subscribers know what's going on in Baltimore that week. If you have an event you think people should know about, Startup Digest is a great place to get the word out. You can submits events to the calendar here.

Some of the events featured in this week's Startup Digest are Bmore on Rails at OrderUp, a meet the managers happy hour at TEDCOHappy Hour at the ETC's Haven St. campus, and Driving Digital, a marketing summit at Betamore.

To stay updated on what's going on in the Baltimore tech community, subscribe to Startup Digest or follow us on Twitter.



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