May's Baltimore Elixir and Erlang Meetup

Looking for a cool new hobby for the rainy or insanely hot days of summer?

Want to learn a cool new programming language to impress your friends and coworkers?

Interested in making neat hardware projects?

Elixir could be your answer to these questions and more!

In case you haven't heard, SmartLogic is the sponsor of many meetups in Baltimore, but we are also the host for one of the newer meetup groups. The Baltimore Elixir and Erlang Meetup happens on the last Wednesday of every month, and this month (May) we have something special planned.

Coming May 30th, a very special meeting of the Baltimore Elixir and Erlang Meetup!

We will be running 2 tracks during the meetup:

  • A special Getting Started with Elixir track - Led by Dan, you’ll learn how to get started with Elixir, from installation, to running your first Elixir code. Learn about why you should care about Elixir, what it gains you, or how real people and companies are accomplishing great things with it.

  • An Advanced Discussion track - Led by Travis, you’ll get a chance to ask all your Elixir questions, dig into Ecto, learn about property testing, ask what is up with this Nerves thing, the sky's the limit!

Come check it out, the space and the pizza will be provided by SmartLogic. Parking is free behind the building! All skill and interest levels are welcome! RSVP to the event to be sure to get the latest news and important information on access to the building.



Header Photo By
unsplash-logoBob Burkhard