Baltimore Tech Jobs: Hiring at NET/WORK

Events like's NET/WORK, the tech jobs fair, is a great reminder to us of all the great talent in the Baltimore tech community.

We received dozens of resumes from designers and developers hoping to join team SmartLogic. We also met many bright college students looking to get their start at one of the many great app development companies in town and learn more about the Baltimore tech community, and kudos to the high school students we met too!

Thanks to the Emerging Technology Center(ETC) for hosting; we always love visiting the Highlandtown office. Being at the ETC also gave us a chance to tell people about some of our great ETC clients, like NewsUp.

If you didn't make it out Thursday or didn't have a chance to come talk to us and eat our cupcakes, drop us a line and send us your resume. We specialize in agile software development and are always looking for new talent to join the team.

And while you're on the job hunt, check out some thoughts from Yair on why the stereotypical advice for using social media in the job search is off-target.