SmartLogic Announces BWiT Micro Grant Recipients

One of the main goals of the Baltimore Women in Tech (BWiT) micro grants program is to support and empower women in the Baltimore tech community.

We received several dozen applications from tech-minded women in the community, and it was refreshing to see so many different projects led by women. The total amount of micro grants being awarded is $6,000 ($1,000 more than we originally committed for the program) with each grant ranging from $500 to $1,000.

We're excited to announce the BWiT micro grant recipients! They are:

  1. Tammira Lucas: Moms Who Tech is a full day intensive workshop that will introduce Baltimore mom entrepreneurs to coding.
  2. Laura Mitchell: Rosie's List is an online platform to connect queer women who are interested in technology around Baltimore.
  3. Brittany Young: B-360 is a community partnership dedicated to changing the perception of engineers and dirt bike riders to create an avenue for students to learn about STEAM using dirt-bikes.
  4. Cadeatra Harvey: Baltimore's Gifted Art & E-commerce is an initiative for Baltimore youth that serves as an entrepreneurial tool and a digital platform for youth to showcase and sell their original art.
  5. Kate Fischl: Wearable Electronics Workshop is a collaboration between graduate students at Johns Hopkins University and teachers at Western High School.
  6. Kathleen Mazurek: Decode Me is a project that aims to create a mobile sanctuary and social group for young girls to develop digital communication solutions to bullying.
  7. Bridget McGiffin: Internet Intelligence is a program that will inform young mothers of best practices while using social media accounts and the internet.
  8. Lochan Shah & Pooja Yesantharao: Girls in Tech Day is a workshop hosted at a Baltimore middle school, where female students will be formed into teams, taught to use principles of design thinking to come up with app-based solutions to the problem they are posed, and learn to use app design websites such as Balsalmiq, Android Studio and Fluid.

Follow @smartlogic on Twitter and on Facebook to get updates on the BWiT micro grants program and other cool stuff SmartLogic is working on.