Introduction to Elixir - A Meetup
At SmartLogic, we've introduced new technologies to our development stack a few times throughout our 12.5 years in business, and most recently, we've added the Elixir programming language and the Phoenix Framework to our technical expertise. Elixir has been an exciting language for us to add for a number of reasons:
- Its Ruby-inspired syntax is familiar to us Ruby developers
- It's a great functional programming language
- It uses the Erlang Virtual Machine for low-latency, distributed, and fault-tolerant systems
- It adds great tooling and code organization on-top of Erlang
- It has a very fast web framework
- It has a great ecosystem
- Pipelines and pattern matching
- A bunch more...
Let's Meetup
SmartLogic has been sponsoring the Baltimore Elixir and Erlang Meetup since it was founded by two of our developers in March 2017.
Coming this month, on October 25, 2017, the focus of the meetup will be Getting Started With Elixir!
No matter what your experience with Elixir, Ruby, Erlang, any programming language, or programming in general, we'd like to invite you to a meetup night focused specifically on getting to know Elixir, and learning why we at SmartLogic are so excited about it.
Here is our Agenda:
- Introductions
- Getting Started with Elixir by Dan Ivovich
- Learning about Elixir's interactive command line by Travis Poulsen
- Connect Four, Writing a game playing bot with Elixir by Justus Eapen
We hope that you are able to join us. SmartLogic provides the space and pizza!
Please RSVP on
Additional Reading
Check out the following blog posts for more information about how SmartLogic's developers have been using Elixir:
- Links from ElixirConf 2017
- Property Based Testing in Elixir
- Generating a Guardian Secret Key
- Using Webpack 3.x with Phoenix 1.3
- Collision, an Elixir library for polygon collision detection
- Include Phoenix Channels in a Rails App
- Elixir, Ansible, and Credo
- Focus, an Elixir library for functional lenses
- Call Elixir from Erlang
- Using Ranch with Elixir
- Lenses and Pattern Matching
- Using GenServer :via
- Adding Phoenix to an OTP Elixir App
- Elixir and Codeship Presentation