SmartLogic's 2016 Charitable Giving

Every year at SmartLogic our tradition is to allow each employee to designate a charity to receive part of our company's annual donation toward charities. Employees can then give a matching donation. Like every year, the organizations we are supporting have both global and local impact.

Developer, Sean Madigan, has always been an avid gamer, so he wanted to donate to a charity that improved lives through video games. While looking for the right charity, he found Child's Play which buys new consoles, games, and peripherals for children's hospitals. These games enrich the lives of children by allowing them to engage with their peers and entertaining them through a potentially long hospital stay.

Closer to home, Mark Chu, Business and Sales Analyst, is supporting a local charity that focuses on improving lives through civic engagement and community building. Mark decided on Strong City Baltimore because he has found a home in Baltimore and believes in their mission of building and strengthening neighborhoods and people.

Our Operations Manager, Chelsea Keene, grew up riding horses almost everyday, so it was important for her to donate to a charity that rescued and rehabilitated horses. Habitat for Horses not only rescues and rehabilitates horses, but it also maintains a leadership role in horse protection issues.

Below is the fill list of charities that SmartLogic and our employees are supporting this holiday season:

Humane Society of Indianapolis Planned Parenthood
American Cancer Society Child's Play
Electronic Frontier Foundation Central Pennsylvania Food Bank
Puppies behind Bars Habitat for Horses
Ocean Conservancy Strong City Baltimore