4 Cool Parts of The New Swift Programming Language

The biggest news out of the recent Worldwide Developers Conference keynote a couple of weeks ago has to be Apple’s announcement of a brand new programming language called Swift. A small team worked on Swift, in secret, for four years and their efforts paid off. While Apple was successful in gradually bringing more modern language features to Objective-C, a 30-year old language, over the years, Swift represents a clean break and brings with it a new syntax and some exciting features that other languages like Ruby, Scala, and Javascript have enjoyed. Here are some that I’m most excited about:

1. Type Inference
Swift is a type safe language, so the compiler performs type checks to ensure that if a part of your code expects an Integer then you can’t pass it a String instead. Type inference is a great feature that allows you to dispense with explicit declarations of a variable’s or return value’s type. If the compiler can infer the type from the context of the declaration, then you don’t need to be explicit. So, while you could write this:

var x : Int = 0
var y : String = “foobar”
var z : Bool = true

With type inference, you can just write this:

var x = 0
var y = “foobar”
var z = true

And the compiler will infer, for example, that x should be of type Integer, since the initializing value 0 is of type Integer.

2. Explicit Mutability
In Swift, to declare a mutable variable you use the ‘var’ keyword. To declare a const, you use the ‘let’ keyword. Attempting to set a constant that has been declared with let after initializing it will lead to a compiler error.

var x = 0
x = 1
x // x == 1

let y = 0

3. Optionals

Values of most types can never be nil in Swift. Every value must be initialized before it is used. So:

var x = 0

var y : String // COMPILER ERROR

But we need some way of representing the absence of a value, and for that, Swift has a great feature called optionals. An optional is a type that either has a value or has no value. They work for any type, including primitives. You declare an optional, like this:

var foo : Int? = 41 // { Some 41 }

an optional declared without an initializing value will be nil.

var bar : Int? // nil

and, an optional typed variable is the only variable that can be set to nil.

var baz : Int? = 41 // { Some 41 }
baz = nil // nil

In order to access the value inside an optional you must unwrap the optional, and Swift provides a number of ways of doing that.

First, you can explicitly unwrap an optional, like this:

var foo : Int? = 41 // { Some 41 }
foo! // 41

But be careful, as this is unsafe. If the value inside the optional is nil, and you unwrap the optional with a bang, you will get a runtime error. You should only unwrap an optional after checking if the value inside is nil, and one way of doing that is by using optional binding.

var optionalInt : Int? = nil

if let value = optionalInt {
  println(“optionalInt has a value of \(value)”)
} else {
  println(“optionalInt is “nil)

Here, we use “if let” to guard against a possible nil value.

An optional is defined as a simple enumeration, like this (I’ve left part of the definition out):

enum Optional : LogicValue, Reflectable {
  case None
  case Some(T)

where T is the value type wrapped inside the optional. This means that you can also use Swift’s fancy new switch syntax to safely unwrap the value.

var optionalInt : Int? = 2

switch optionalInt {
case .Some(let value):
  println(“optionalInt has a value of \(value)”)
case .None:
  println("optionalInt is nil")
  1. Optional Chaining

All of the above methods for unwrapping optionals are great, but if you have optional class instances that themselves have optional properties you’ll end up with a bunch of nested “if let”’s. The solution for that problem is optional chaining.

Say we have a Person class that has an optional Address class property. We want to send a letter to everybody, but only if they have an address of course. We can do something like this:

class Person {
  var name : String
  var address : Address?

  init(name:String, address:Address?=nil) {
    self.name = name
    self.address = address

class Address {
  func sendLetter() {
    println("Sent a letter!")

let john = Person(name: “John”)
let jane = Person(name: “Jane”, address:Address())

let people = [john, jane]

for person in people {
// sends one letter to Jane

We create two people, one of whom (John) does not have an address. When person == jane, we successfully call the sendLetter function on her address. But, when person == john, even though John’s address property is nil, we don’t get a runtime error and execution continues!

That’s just a small sample of some cool new things in Swift, there’s a ton more that I’ll be writing about in the near future, so keep a look out for my next article.

Below is some of this content in slide form, from a presentation I gave on Swift at B'more on Rails. 

A Few Interesting Things in Apple's Swift Programming Language from SmartLogic

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