CocoaConf DC 2014: 7 Sessions to Look Forward To

UPDATE: Check out the list of links bookmarked from CocoaConf2014

I'll be attending CocoaConf DC again this year. There was a nice level of information density at CocoaConf DC 2013, so I'm looking forward to more of the same this weekend.

In line with last year's pre-conference post, here are some sesssions I'm particularly looking forward to:

  1. Collections: For All Your Stuff
    Few things are so satisfying as tackling a large collection of data and effortlessly getting exactly what you want out of it with a few lines of code. List comprehensions were always my favorite part of Python, and I've spent more time on Ruby's Enumerable page than any other part of the documentation, so I figure I'll get something good out of a talk on Foundation Collections Classes.
  2. Testing in Xcode 5
    We are heavy on testing here at SmartLogic, so I'm always very curious to hear what new things people have to say about testing and iOS development.
  3. Recipe for an Efficient Content Delivery System
    Along similar lines, for any given project we are either working on API servers or API clients, or both. I'm interested to hear what kind of experiences others have had in optimizing these interactions.
  4. ObjC Run Time API
    Unfortunately I can't attend both this and Mark Gerl's talk above, but I'm always interested in what's *really* happening as code is executed.
  5. Stronger, Better, Faster with Instruments and Debugging
    I never got a proper introduction to using the various debugging tools that ship with Xcode, this seems like as good an opportunity as any.
    6 + 7. NSIncrementalStore - Bet you didn't think Core Data could do *that*!
    and Son of Core Data Done Right
    I honestly have no real feelings of excitement around Core Data, but I feel like it is something I should know about so I plan on attending at least one of these sessions.

That's my loose agenda so far, I hope to find some time between sessions to actually apply a few things I've learned as well.


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