31 Links from RailsConf Day 3

You know the deal from RailsConf day 1 and day 2. Here are links from Day 3, with a special section dedicated to the lightning talks.

oestrich/hypermedia_rails · GitHub
HATEOAS Rabbit Hole - Google Groups
awslabs/seahorse · GitHub
rails/strong_parameters · GitHub
AWS Command Line Interface
filtersquad/rocket_pants · GitHub
rails-api/rails-api · GitHub
intridea/grape · GitHub
Apache Thrift
noahhl/batsd · GitHub
sensu (Monitoring.)

Lightning Talks

OpenHack - Code together.
Nickel City Ruby Conference - September 20-21, 2013 - Buffalo, NY
Welcome to Cloud Foundry
StarkAndWayne/bosh-cloudfoundry · GitHub
StarkAndWayne/bosh-bootstrap · GitHub
Semantic Versioning 2.0.0-rc.1
metricfu/metric_fu · GitHub
MagmaConf 2013
preston/ruby-prolog · GitHub
guards.js by On-Site.com
Appium: Mobile App Automation Made Awesome.
Octo-Labs/easymarklet · GitHub
ecoffey/redis-breadcrumbs · GitHub
cantino/huginn · GitHub
Introducing SelectorGadget: point and click CSS selectors
ajsharp/bldr · GitHub

Also see links from day 4.

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