22 Links From RailsConf 2013 Day 1

Throughout RailsConf, I will be bookmarking key links to follow up on later. I wanted to share these links so that whether or not you could attend RailsConf, you can follow up on the resources, upcoming events, and miscellanea we're talking about.

Here are the links from Day 1:

The Pragmatic Bookshelf | Crafting Rails Applications
imanel/websocket-ruby · GitHub
ngauthier/tubesock · GitHub
puma/puma · GitHub
Working With TCP Sockets - A short, concise guide that teaches Rubyists the basics of socket programming, and then some!
Wicked Good Ruby Conf | Boston, MA Oct 12 - 13, 2013
HowTo: What is rss.js?
G5 (G5 Engineering)
Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby
garybernhardt/sucks-rocks · GitHub
lanej/cistern · GitHub
fog/fog · GitHub
halorgium/rack-client · GitHub
[16M05] Toggleable Mocks and Testing Strategies in a Service Oriented Architecture (en) on Vimeo
Talks by Jacob Burkhart
shaiguitar/ruby_apis_and_clients · GitHub
Rails SQL Injection Examples
Code Climate. Hosted static analysis for Ruby source code.
real time rails

EDIT: Links from day 2 are here, links from day 3 are here, and links from day 4 are here.


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