10 CocoaConf DC 2013 Sessions to Be Excited About

UPDATE: Check out our wrap up on CocoaConft and list of links.

I’ll be attending CocoaConf DC later this week (notably, not actually in DC). I've been to a few PyCons and RailsConfs in the past, but this will be my first CocoaConf. In fact, this will be my first conference not oriented towards web development. After spending most of the past year doing iOS development, I’m excited to see what CocoaConf has to offer.

Here are some of the sessions I'm looking forward to:


Understanding C for ObjC Programmers - My C is quite rusty, a little brush up sounds like a good plan.

Core Data Done Right - I have yet to need Core Data but I'd like to get a good introduction to it before I do.

Super Rad Brainstorming - When it comes to organizing my thoughts I need every little bit of help I can find.

OpenGL ES, GLKit, SceneKit and more: Making Sense of Mac and iOS 3D Graphics- An area I know next to nothing about (be it on iOS, OSX or Linux), sounds like a good opportunity to learn something new.

Composing and Editing Media with AV Foundation - This is up there with the GL talk, it's not an area I've been exposed to yet but something I'm curious about.



iOS Performance Tuning with Instruments / Performance Tuning - Two similar sounding talks. I'll be going to one, but which one depends on scheduling.

Rich Text, Core Text - Potentially interesting, at the same time as "Performance Tuning."

Mobile Movies with HTTP Live Streaming - Potentially interesting, at the same time as "iOS Performance Tuning with Instruments."

Strategies, Tips, and Tricks for Sometimes Connected Apps - Almost every app you work on is going to rely heavily on a web API of some sort. This is an important topic that probably doesn't get enough attention.

iCloud and Core Data - I've heard these two things combine to make a mess, so going to a talk on the subject sounds like a good idea.


I’m really looking forward to the conference. Hit me up @tvon if you’d like to meet up in Herndon, VA during the conference! Any advice on which sessions I should choose for the ones with scheduling conflicts? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter.