3288 Slices: The Baltimore Tech Community’s Growth Measured in Pizza

Lately, it seems like there’s a new Baltimore Tech meetup group started every other week. SmartLogic sponsors a bunch of these meetup groups, to help the tech community out. After all, a growing tech community means a growing SmartLogic.

Anyhow, instead of going by my gut feeling that the Baltimore tech community is growing, I thought I’d look at some numbers—specifically, the number of pizza we’ve bought for meetup groups over the last two years. Admittedly, this is simply a greasy, cheesy index of tech growth, not an exhaustive one. But as you can see below, there’s definitely been growth, as measured by pizza.

Note: calories calculated at 225 per slice.

The above pizza was bought for only 27 nights of tech meetups, like Bmore on Rails, in 2011, compared to 45 nights of tech meetups in 2012. That’s not even counting big events we’ve sponsored:

  1. Betascape
  2. Baltimore Hackathon
  3. Startup Weekend
  4. Ignite
  5. GBTC Holiday Party

If you’re looking for an awesome group to join, here are the groups we’ve sponsored:

Newly sponsored in 2012:

  1. Baltimore Mobile
  2. Baltimore Lean Startup
  3. Mobile Dev

Groups we sponsored in 2012 and 2011:

  1. Baltimore Perl Mongers
  2. B’More on Rails

Groups we sponsored in 2011 that are still around, with different sponsors:

  1. Baltimore Javascript Users Group
  2. Baltimore PHP

We’re also looking forward to Refresh Baltimore early in 2013!

Have an awesome tech meetup group in Baltimore that we don’t know about? Contact us about growing the amount of pizza purchased even more in 2013.

We're not just tracking the baltimore tech community, check out our article on the growing Rails community.