API Development: Turning Controller Actions into Services
When you're developing an API, controller actions have a tendency to get large and inefficient. You can keep chopping controller actions into smaller pieces, but turning them into services may be where you want to go. The main reason for this is because you can get validation of the data before you use it to perform the service, making code more reliable.
What is a service and when would you need to make one?
A service is a class that interacts with multiple models. If a method on a model is going to access more than itself and maybe one neighbor then it should be pulled out into a service. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) essentially states that a class should do just one thing. With this, we’re making our class do just one thing: create an order. That way, we don’t have a “fat model” that violates SRP.
Here’s an example app on github to supplement the code below.
class OrdersController < ApplicationController
def create
service = OrderCreationService.new(current_user, params[:order])
if service.successful?
respond_with service.order
respond_with service.errors, :status => 422
class OrderCreationService
include ActiveModel::Validations
validates :name, :presence => true
attr_reader :user, :params, :order, :name
delegate :as_json, :to => :order
def initialize(user, params)
@user = user
@params = params
params.each do |param, value|
instance_variable_set("@#{param}", value) if respond_to?(param)
def perform
return unless valid?
# This can be done with only one line, or you can go nuts and make
# this much more expansive if your desired functionality demands it
@order = user.orders.create(params)
def successful?
valid? && order.persisted?
Here’s how this gives you the nice ability of having validations around the parameters your API takes:
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/orders
{ 'errors': { 'name': ["can't be blank"] } }
With this method, your API development results in cleaner, more reliable code that will be easier for both internal developers and external developers to work with. Also, be sure to test via RspecApiDocumentation and Raddocs.
Check out our other articles on API:
API Versioning: 3 Ways to Architect Your API to Handle Versioned Requests
API Planning and Proceeding: Tell Me What You're Working With